
  • Ages: 4 to 10 – Date for determining age is August 1st
  • Location: Bamford Sports Complex
  • Practices/Games: Practice times vary depending on the coaches – Most teams practice once a week and play 2 games a week (The coaches practice/game days and times will be determined after teams have been formed)
  • Program Dates: August 2025 through October 2025
  • Registration Period: May 19, 2025 through July 20, 2025
  • What is Included With My Registration Fee: The Town of Davie will a shirt, shorts, socks, and pom-poms
  • Parent meeting August 10, 2025 at 6:00 on Tiger Field
  • For more information please call Sam Gulla at 954-327-1166 or email [email protected]

* If this is your first time playing with us, you must register in person at the Multipurpose Center here at Bamford Sports Complex.    

If your child has played sports with us before, click here to visit our registration website.   

Lead Service Line Inventory

Our Mission

The Town of Davie is committed to providing safe, high-quality drinking water to our community. We follow the highest standards of water safety and sustainability to ensure a reliable water supply for both current and future generations.

In Compliance with EPA’s Lead & Copper Rule Revisions

In 1991, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Lead and Copper Rule—a regulation developed to monitor and reduce lead and copper in our nation’s drinking water.

The EPA has updated this rule over the years. Notably, in 2021, the Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) initiated requirements that all 60,000+ public water systems in the U.S. must comply with by October 16, 2024.

Under the LCRR, all public water systems—including the Town of Davie Utilities Department—are required to:

  • Develop an inventory of their water service line materials;
  • Establish a replacement plan for any lead service lines, as well as galvanized service lines requiring replacement and service lines made of unknown material; and
  • Update/expand sampling locations based on new EPA criteria.

The goal of the LCRR is to achieve 100% lead service line replacement over the next 10 years, nationwide.

Explore Your Service Line Information

Our interactive map provides a simple way to view detailed information about the service line materials connected to your property. See data for both the “Town” side and your “Customer” side of the lines. 

How to use:

  1. To get started, enter your address in the search bar at the top left corner of the map or use the zoom feature to find your location.
  2. Once you locate your property, click on the icon to reveal specific details.

Efforts to Identify and Replace Lead and Copper Service Lines

Town of Davie Utilities Operations has been actively conducting field investigations to assess the materials used in service lines on private properties. This process is ongoing, and we are committed to identifying the material composition of all service lines in our entire service area system. With over 30,000 customers to serve and over 10,000 service lines to check, we ask for your patience as we work diligently to complete this task as swiftly as possible. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated as we continue our efforts to ensure the safety and integrity of our water supply.

While Town of Davie keeps detailed records of the service lines it has installed, the cooperation of customers is crucial in completing this inventory. Town of Davie community members are encouraged to visit the EPA website to learn more about Lead and Copper Rule and other important information.

Judy Paul Farm Park at Governor Leroy Collins Grounds (Davie Farm Park)

Judy Paul Farm Park at Governor Leroy Collins Grounds (Davie Farm Park) Quarterly Summary and Expenditure Report

The report outlines the summary, budget, and expenditures for the project. The FY2023 2nd Quarter Report and 3rd Quarter Report are now available.  

The Judy Paul Farm Park at Governor Leroy Collins Grounds (Davie Farm Park) is located on the western edge of the Town of Davie, bordering I-75 on the west, Shotgun Road on the east, and SW 36th Street (South Post Road) on the South. 

This 80-acre parcel was purchased in 2008 with a combination of funds from Davie District 4 open space bonds ($3.38 Million), Broward County ($3.5 Million) and the Florida Communities Trust Grant ($6.2 Million) as well as a contribution from the Farm Bureau ($20,000). The property was purchased with a commitment to construct and operate a farm to preserve the rural lifestyle of the Town of Davie.  

The amenities will include an educational center, riding arena, stables, farmers market and playground. Additional grant funding has been received from the Broward County Arts and Cultural Division and private donations. Other naming rights and sponsorship opportunities remain available on this project.

The FriendGovernor Leroy Collins Farm Park 5.jpgs of the Davie Farm Park, a 501 (c)(3), comprised of community professionals with unique knowledge of livestock, agriculture, and general farming is an advisory committee to the Town Council. A conceptual plan has been developed and the Town has engaged the services of the architectural firm M.C. Harry Associates to complete the design and construction documents.

The theme for the Farm Park is Making a Difference. This is more than just a slogan; it is the purpose of the entire project. As agriculture plays an important and far-reaching role in all aspects of our lives, the Farm Park will positively impact everyone in our community regardless of demographic and socioeconomic status. 

Making a Difference” in educating our youth:

  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Farm tours
  • 4-H
  • Nutrition programs
  • Field Trips
  • Summer Camp
  • After School Programs

Making a Difference” in the Environment:

  • Composting
  • Bio-digester
  • Solar
  • Windmill
  • Fuel cell technology
  • Organic Farming
  • Educational programs

Making a Difference” in our community:

  • Community Gardens
  • Research
  • Community events
  • Adult volunteer opportunities
  • Agri-Tourism
  • Eco-Tourism

Making a Difference” for Special Need children and families:

  • The park will provide equestrian programs for the special needs population. One in 50 children now has developmental disabilities. The park programs will address this need and create a sustainable program for at-risk youth.

Governor Leroy Collins Farm Park

Governor Leroy Collins Farm Park

Governor Leroy Collins Farm Park

Updated September 28, 2023

Town of Davie Centennial Celebration

Upcoming Centennial Events

Centennial Celebration Kick-off

Join us on November 16, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. as we celebrate the start of the Town of Davie’s 100th birthday at the Old Davie School Historical Museum. The event will feature a special commemoration by the Mayor and Town Councilmembers, live DJ, face painting, piny rides, a petting farm, complimentary tours and more!

Holiday Craft Show & Green Fair

Start your holiday shopping early November 23 and 24, 2024, at the Holiday Craft Fair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Local vendors will showcase their handmade arts, crafts and plants. Activities will also include live entertainment and raffles. Parking and admission are free.

2025 Orange Blossom Festival

  • Beginning February 21, 2025, the Town will kick-off the 3-day Orange Blossom weekend with a free concert in the park at 6 p.m.
  • The Orange Blossom Parade is back on Davie Road on Saturday, February 22, 2025, beginning at 10 a.m. The Festival will take place at Bamford Sports Complex from 12
  • Come back for day two of the Orange Blossom Festival on February 23, 2025, to enjoy live music and free children’s activities. Admission is free.
  • The festival isn’t complete without the Orange Blossom Rodeo. Rodeo dates are February 22, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. and February 23, 2025, at 2 p.m. Buy your tickets at the Davie Pro Rodeo’s website.

Town of Davie’s 100th Birthday!

Be part of the culmination festivities on November 16, 2025, as we celebrate Town of Davie’s 100th birthday! More details coming soon…

School Zone Speed Safety Program


The Town of Davie and the Town of Davie Police Department are working to improve community safety by installing state-of-the-art digital speed safety cameras to decrease traffic violations and collisions and to help increase safety around our schools. 

Speed safety cameras are proven to be effective in reducing crashes as well as pedestrian-related injuries. Most importantly, communities that use speed safety cameras consistently report safer roads around their schools. 


School zones will be marked with additional posted speed limit signs, regulatory time placards, and photo-enforced signs. With the additional signage, the goal is to slow vehicles down causing fewer crashes and injuries.  Cameras will be used to identify vehicles traveling over the posted speed limit. Anyone in the designated school zone driving 11 mph or more over the posted speed limit will receive a violation in the mail. 

The School Zone Speed Cameras will begin capturing speeding infractions on November 20, 2024, and drivers will be provided with more than a 55-day grace period during which warnings will be issued. This warning period will encourage drivers to slow down and change their driving habits. During this warning period, violators will receive a warning in the mail that carries no fine. The citations will begin on January 13, 2025.

Speed cameras will be active and enforced on school days from 30 minutes before school starts until 30 minutes after school has ended. This violation is a civil violation and is not considered a traffic violation. The violation is $100.  

How do the school zone speed safety cameras work?

The photo speed monitoring systems are set up with sophisticated radar equipment that monitors vehicle speeds as traffic approaches and passes the equipment. 

School Zone Speed Safety Camera System 1When a vehicle exceeds the threshold limit during school hours, a photograph is taken of the vehicle. A second photograph is taken as the vehicle passes the detection zone to record the vehicle’s license plate. The date, time, speed, and location of the infraction are recorded on the digital image.

The Davie Police Department reviews each incident before issuing a citation. The citation will contain vehicle images and a close-up of the license plate.

A Notice of Violation for a speed violation will be issued if your vehicle is found to be traveling more than 10 miles per hour over the school zone speed limit during one of the following times: 

a) Within 30 minutes before through 30 minutes after the start of a regularly scheduled breakfast program.

b) Within 30 minutes before through 30 minutes after the start of a regularly scheduled school session.

c) During the entirety of a regularly scheduled school session.

d) Within 30 minutes before through 30 minutes after a regularly scheduled school session ends.

Planning Play Davie: Master Plan 2025

We love our parks, programs, and trails– and we know you do too!

The Town of Davie has initiated the creation of a Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts Master Plan. This plan aims to assess our current parks and recreation facilities and programs, as well as, assess the need for future improvements, facilities, programs, operations, maintenance, and funding opportunities for the Town of Davie Parks, Recreation and Arts Cultural Department. 

We invite you to review the information provided on this webpage. Your engagement is crucial as we work together to shape the future of Davie’s Parks and Recreation.

Thank you for your support and involvement in this exciting project!

Help us continue to be superior in our parks and recreation facilities and services:

Please join us for our first in-person Public Input Meeting on Monday, November 18, 2024, at 6 p.m. at the Pine Island Multipurpose Center, located at 3801 S. Pine Island Road.