UPDATE: NSU Athletics Will Not Allow Spectators at This Time

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Based on the recommendations of campus health and safety authorities, at this time Nova Southeastern Athletics will continue its policy of not allowing spectator attendance at any competitions.

At the beginning of our return, first to campus, and then to competition, the health, safety and welfare of our student-athletes, coaches and staff was our paramount concern – that focus remains central to our decision-making in keeping our student-athletes in competition this spring.

For supporters and families in our One Shark Family, we ask for your patience in respecting this decision of closed facilities during games, so we can all maintain the safety of our Sharks and continue on our current trajectory – to continue competition in all active sports. This policy and others will be re-evaluated on a weekly basis.

Fans can follow the action live through NSU Live Stats and watch the games live, home and away, through broadcasts on the SSC Digital Network and streaming for free using web browser on phones, tablets and computers. SSC Digital Network is also available on AppleTV, Amazon Fire TV, AndroidTV and Roku.

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